Latest News 2009 February $4.4 Million Awarded in Birth Injury Lawsuit

$4.4 Million Awarded in Birth Injury Lawsuit

A South Carolina jury awarded $4.4 million to the parents of girl who developed cerebral palsy after suffering a brain injury during birth.

Sierra Wilson was born in November 2003 with severe brain injury due to oxygen deprivation, and later developed cerebral palsy. Sierra died February13, 2008 of complications of the condition.

The jury said Piedmont Hospital was at fault when it assigned a nurse trainee to monitor Robin Wilson. The nurse misread Wilson's fetal monitoring data, which showed the baby was in dire distress and needed emergency intervention.

"When medical professionals fail to meet reasonable standards of care, they need to be held accountable, and the jury agreed with that," said Ken Suggs, who represented Robin Wilson and her husband Bruce.

For more information about birth injuries, click here to find a medical malpractice lawyer near you.

Categories: Birth Injuries