Featured News 2012 Cosmetic Procedures: When They Go Wrong

Cosmetic Procedures: When They Go Wrong

Every year, there are approximately 9.5 million cosmetic procedures in the United States. All across our nation, men and women flock to cosmetic specialists to alter their appearance to their liking. There are many different types of plastic surgery and cosmetic operations. People who want a sleeker physique may choose a liposuction or a tummy tuck. Women who want higher brows may have a constructive facial surgery. People who desire to remove facial hair can get a laser hair removal procedure done, and those that want smoother skin can undergo a chemical peel.

With so many choices for plastic surgery procedures, it's no wonder that millions visit cosmetic specialists to get work done each year. While many people are satisfied with their new look after visiting a cosmetic specialist, there are times when the procedure may not be all that you hoped for. For example, a woman in Virginia decided to undergo a plastic surgery procedure after having children. She thought that the cosmetic makeover would help her feel more attractive now that she was getting older and losing her shape.

This mother was 36 when she went under the knife for a breast augmentation and lift, a liposuction, and a tummy tuck. After her surgeries were complete, this mother was sent home, despite the fact that she was having trouble breathing. Following her surgery, this mother experienced more breathing problems, dizziness, a fever, and difficulty moving. Her sister called a nurse about this lady's condition, but received no call back about the issue. Sadly, this young mother was found in her bed the next day unresponsive.

According to her autopsy, this woman had contracted aspiration pneumonia. This illness occurs when the contents of a person's stomach travel into his or her esophagus and then down the trachea and into the lungs. The sick individual suffocates from the invasion into his or her breathing tract. This deceased mother's plastic surgeon claimed that she was perfectly healthy when she came in for her operations, and that he did not believe that he had anything to do with her misfortune. Despite his claims that he was unrelated to the incident, the mother's family was awarded $1.95 million as compensation for their grievances.

While this is an extreme example, it proves that not all plastic surgeons are safe and reliable. In many other situations, a person will go under the knife and wake up with a new look that he or she despises. If you are not satisfied with your plastic surgery, it can take a serious toll on you emotionally and physically. A good plastic surgeon will take pains to make sure that all scars will develop in hidden creases or hairlines, so that the person who receives the surgery will have a pleasing result, not a garish one. When a plastic surgeon does not improve his client's look, but instead mars it, this can become tragic. You will probably need to pay for a reconstructive surgery to fix your surgeon's mistakes.

If you had a nose job done, such as a rhinoplasty, a bad surgery can leave you with trouble breathing. Liposuction that is not done carefully can leave you with numbness, disfigurement, or internal bleeding that can cause serious problems later in life. To say it simple, you should get what you expect when you pay for a cosmetic procedure. When you are confronted with a poorly done job, or experience side effects that aren't normal, then you need to contact a medical malpractice attorney. You may be able to receive compensation for your suffering, especially if you will need to undergo another surgery to fix what was broken in the last one.

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