Latest News 2008 September California Doctor Accused of Medical Negligence

California Doctor Accused of Medical Negligence

Recently on - The California Medical Board accused another doctor of medical negligence, tying the doctor to a case in which a baby girl died 4 years ago.  The Board is accusing Dr. Evelyn Maddela of gross negligence because they feel that the doctor did not fully recognize the baby's high risk status.  Dr. Maddela cared for the baby immediately after her birth. reports, "Maddela treated baby Paris intravenously and placed her in an oxygen hood. But repeat tests showed the baby's condition worsening. Another doctor, a neonatologist, later assumed care of the baby and immediately intubated the baby and ordered other intervention before she was transferred to Children's Hospital Central California in Madera. The baby was back at Kaiser a week later, was discharged in February and continued to have severe respiratory distress."

Dr. Hamid Safari, a perinatologist, is another defendant in the medical negligence case.  He is a specialist who treats high-risk pregnant women at Kaiser Permanente's Medical Center and is reported to have treated the young baby's mother.

According to Safari's lawyer, Stephen Schear, the accusation against Dr. Maddela, "indicates the medical board concluded he [Safari] was not the primary cause of any problems of the infant after birth."

Last year, the California Medical Board accused Dr. Safari of negligence and connected him to the death of the baby girl.  He was accused of negligence because he failed to call for an immediate C-Section, despite the fact that the fetal heart monitor showed immediate problems.  He was also accused of using excessive force with a vacuum during the delivery of a twin baby boy in April of 2005.  Due to the use of excessive force, the twin baby's spinal cord was severed. 

The State Board is refusing to comment further on the proceedings as the Board has a quality review process that it must adhere to.

If you or a loved one has suffered from medical negligence in California, click here to find an experienced California medical negligence lawyer!
Categories: Medical Negligence